Even the most successful exporter needs all the support they can get. Find out how MATRADE can help by offering development and export assistance programmes.

Exporters Training Programme

Serves a guide to would-be exporters and existing exporters of merchandise and services trade on the developments and business opportunities in international markets.

It focus to enhance knowledge on market accessibility, global trade requirements, trade practices, branding, import regulations, international product and environmental standards, trade financing, market updates and market requirements.

Click here for more info.

New Exporters Development Programme

This programme has three intensive programmes to hasten export readiness of SMEs: Women Exporters Development Programme (WEDP), Youth Exporters Development Programme (YEDP) and Bumiputera Exporter's Development Programme (BEDP) which are all targeted export support facilities and each specifically tailored to boost export learning and performance into the three targeted population groups.

Click here for more info.

eTRADE Programme

This programme is to help to promote the adoption of e-commerce among Malaysian companies to accelerate their exports through participation in leading international e-marketplaces.

Click here for more info.

Mid-Tier Companies Development Programme (MTCDP)

With this programme, it is geared towards accelerating the local mid-tier companies (MTCs) in Malaysia growth and expansion into new markets.

Click here for more info.

Market Development Grant (MDG)

This is a financial support facility in the form of a reimbursable grant to assist Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Professional Service Providers, Trade & Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Professional Bodies in undertaking eligible export promotional activities.

Click here for more info.

Services Export Fund (SEF)

It provides assistance to Malaysian Service Providers (MSPs) to undertake activities to expand and venture into the international market.

Click here for more info.

Contact us

WhatsApp : 010-388 3742
Tel : 016-694 8128 / 012-440 5323
(Mon - Fri, 9.00am - 5.30pm)